#WomeninBusiness: Interview with Fiona Duncan, RSViP

4.17.2016 0 comments

Flashback to 2008, social media was pretty inexistent - Facebook had only been around for 4 years, Twitter had only been around for 2 years and MySpace was starting to die out. In the business world barely anyone was using it and if they were it was to simply share pictures and there was definitely no social media managers to create content and engage with customers.

Networking events have always been tedious and unless you worked in sales was a boring invite to receive in the post (maybe email but we were still sending a lot of letters 8 years ago!). Whilst all of this was happening Fiona Duncan was in Nottingham looking for a new job in advertising after finishing a career with RBS in sales and in-house events. After securing a job with a lifestyle magazine and taking a weekend break Fiona found inspiration to start her own business using her skills in marketing, sales and events. 

9 months later the business was up and running - RSViP was born. This was the first time Fiona had ever been self-employed and she has never looked back. Starting as an events company running the Corporate Hospitality and PR division of Nottingham Rugby Club, RSViP has grown into the Network Social Events business it is today. With over 200 companies subscribed to the service there is a diverse range of industries attending Fiona's events with many providing a discount as part of the scheme. Each month RSViP host a Network Social Event for members to get together and enjoy an evening of good company, food and drink whilst not feeling the pressure of having to buy or sell products or services.

Social media is now apart of RSViP's daily marketing strategy and Fiona has been able to expand the business to new customers by organically growing each platform. Fiona regularly writes for various publications including reviews for restaurants and hotels and encourages guest bloggers to contribute to her website which she finds really boosts her SEO. After discussing more about how blogging and social media has changed the way businesses engage with their customers, Fiona explains that both methods have paved the way for people to connect like never before and says businesses are sadly going to be left behind if they are not taking advantage of these marketing methods. As a mentor at local Universities and an NTU Nottingham Business School Alumni Fellow, Fiona explains that she has seen how savvy students are becoming and thinks it will not be long until we see the next Mark Zuckerberg! 

When asked about the future of RSViP Fiona is keeping her cards to her chest but with businesses from cities such as Manchester recently joining it wont be long until you see her in a town near you. 

You can find more information about RSViP and Fiona Duncan here - RSViP Network and on Twitter: RSViP

Let me know if you liked this interview and watch this space for more coming soon! Don't forget to comment an share. 

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