Date Night At Las Iguanas

5.14.2014 0 comments

 On Monday we, the boyfriend and I, took a trip into town and had dinner at Las Iguanas. Now, it has been said that I do like a bit of Las Iguanas and have in the past visited twice a week for a spot of lunch! I have probably tried three quarters of the menu and always love it. I even eat all the sweetcorn dip (which you can see from the evidence above). I had the Brie and Mango Empenadas for starter which I adore, you may be thinking erm cheese + mango? What the hell?! BUT no it is actually crispy and melty and amazing. I had a Garlic Mushroom Burrito for mains with a huge portion of Sweet Potato Fries to share and to finish three scoops of Dulce de Leche Ice Cream - hence the empty bowl below because dessert is too good to stop and take a picture of first. If you have been to Las Iguanas before you will know they do Happy Hour all day Sunday to Wednesday aka 2 4 1 Cocktails, so to take advantage I had a couple of their Mango Collins.  I always enjoy Las Iguanas and the servers are (usually) really nice (we won't go into detail with the "usually" there). The lighting was terrible because we were sat in the window at 9pm but hopefully the photo's do the meal justice. Does anyone else love Las Iguanas as much as me? Maybe it's weird but let me know! xx


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