September Favourites || 2015

9.27.2015 2 comments

I've never done a favourites blog post but I have always watched them on YouTube so thought why not write one. The beginning of a new season and the beginning of a new blog series! Obviously I'm not a beauty blogger or fashion blogger so my favourites will be a mixture of everything lifestyle with a lot of recommendations. So lets get started!

Favourite TV Show
This month I have loved watching the new season of Nashville. I love a bit of Country music and with a great cast and gripping story lines this TV show is definitely in my all time top 10. I also love Hayden Panetierre and her character in this is amazing with so many up's and down's that everyone can relate to. I have to admit that the gamer in me was also excited that she is a part of the new game Until Dawn - which I had on pre-order weeks before the release. 

Favourite Film
Everyone is loving a bit of Netflix and/or Amazon Prime Instant Video lately and I'm part of that everyone! I have to confess that I use both services but *cough* prefer Amazon *cough*. That being said they both have great films and this month I have loved the film 'What If' starring Daniel Radcliffe. It is cute, funny, serious, sad and charming - it has it all and something for everyone. This should be on all of your watch lists! 

Favourite Book
I have been reading a lot more since finishing University and this month saw me post my second book review lately of Until You're Mine by Samantha Hayes and wow that book is so good! Go read my review then head straight to your nearest book store or online and buy your own copy. 

Favourite Food
So the month of September has seen me become vegan! If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram you would have seen my recent food pictures and shares of vegan food and tweets. This means I have been trying new foods and have become obsessed with avocado and hummus on pitta bread. Wow they are so yummy and easy to make - especially with The Food Doctor multi seed and cereal pitta breads! Also, look out for a post soon about my decision to be vegan - leave any questions you want me to answer below!

Favourite YouTuber
I haven't been watching videos as much as usual due to internet issues at home but when I have been watching them there are two that I have been choosing over others. Kalel from erm Kalel and Victoria from In the Frow. As mentioned I have recently became vegan and Kalel's videos of why she became vegan plus her what I ate videos were definitely influences over my change. I have been a BIG fan of Victoria for years now and her videos never fail to entertain me and I just love her style so much #goals.

Favourite Blogger
I couldn't do a monthly favourites post (almost wrote video there) without mentioning a favourite blogger! This month I have definitely been reading Lauren from Britton Loves blog more than others. She too is vegan but for different reasons to myself and her posts on supplements and healthy eating plus blogging and photography tips really do keep me coming back for every new post. I would recommend her blog for anyone wanting lifestyle advice, health advice or blogging advice.  

So that is the end of my September Favourites post and hopefully you all enjoy it enough for me to write more of these each month. Let me know if you have any recommendations for me to try that could end up on a future favourites post! Don't forget to leave any questions for my vegan post too! xx


  1. I love Nashville but I'm like a season behind... the music is amazing... I used fade in to you as one of my wedding ceremony songs!


    1. It is amazing! You should catch up online if you can. I love the songs from all of the seasons! x



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