East Midlands Blogger Meet Up #1 || Nottingham

5.29.2015 4 comments

I was on a Twitter chat around a month or two ago when it became apparent that there are quite a few of us East Midlands based bloggers. This chat seemed to be full of us and it sparked an idea to create a Facebook page and Twitter profile for us all to chat together (the credit goes to Dee who set both of these up!). The conversations quickly grew and the first East Midlands Blogger Meet Up was born!

At this meet up we had myself, Emmie, Rachael, Hannah, Kirsty, Samantha and Chelsea (all of their lovely blogs are linked!). We decided to meet at the Nottingham Castle for a picnic and exploration of the gardens and museum as a way to break the ice. We didn't need to worry at all though because as soon as we met at the Train Station we were chatting and discussing our favourite bloggers and YouTubers and who we would (and wouldn't) like to meet.

We each brought something for the picnic and ended up with a giant feast which we couldn't finish, there was a mixture of homemade cakes and sandwiches, sushi and cocktail sausages and jam tarts and strawberries. After the picnic had finished and we had stopped laughing at the awkward engagement shoot that was happening next to us, we packed up and took a stroll around the grounds for pictures and to see the sights. This was a great way to show the city to the girls who hadn't visited Nottingham before and for me to show off the gorgeous views you get from behind The Castle and over The Park Estate.

After all the wondering and chatting we were in need of a drink so decided to visit The Castle Pub for a cheeky tipple before each going our own ways. This also was a way to get to know each other as you can tell a lot from the drink someone chooses at 2 O'Clock in the afternoon! 

This was a great first meet up with the girls and fellow bloggers and I look forward to the next one!

If you want to join in or contribute to the next meet up in Leicester on the 4th July follow @EMidBloggers and use the hashtag #eastmidsmeetup on Twitter, join the Facebook Group or email me at elliekathleen01@gmail.com 

(image courtesy of Emmie)


  1. If only I'd been a blogger when I was still in Nottinghamshire, I'd have definitely come along, this looks fantastic!

    Lisa | Not Quite Enough

    1. Ah I'm sure you would have loved it too. There aren't as many of us than London bloggers so it's nice to do a meet up for everyone to know each other :-) Thanks for reading my post! X

  2. Just looking at photos of all that food makes me feel so full all over again! Can't wait to see you all again in July :) x

    1. I know all of the food was great though! Looking forward to July, see you then!



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