Casa Hotel, Chesterfield || Review

12.12.2015 0 comments

As part of the East Midlands Blogger Meet Up I got the chance to stay at the Casa Hotel in Chesterfield! As you will know by now I love hotels (it is the industry I work in.... outside my blogging...

Halloween Movie Night #screamhomes || 2015

10.31.2015 0 comments

It is getting colder, the leaves are falling and nights are drawing in. Before we get to Christmas though there is another holiday to celebrate...Halloween!  I love a good Halloween scary night...

East Midlands Blogger Meet Up #3 || Chesterfield

10.19.2015 0 comments

It is always fun to meet up with fellow bloggers and talk about our blogs and life and make new friends. You may be wondering where meet up number 2 is but I didn't blog that one (I know terrible...

St Kitts Herbery || Review

10.08.2015 1 comment

I was recently introduced to St Kitts Herbery through the gifting website The Bloggers Hangout. After browsing their website I was lucky enough to receive some a sample of some of their most popular...

Oaks, Nottingham || Review

10.05.2015 0 comments

Oaks is a new smokehouse restaurant in the city centre of Nottingham with a unique open grill kitchen. The decor is based around oak wood and although the restaurant isn't large it is beautifully decorated....

September Favourites || 2015

9.27.2015 2 comments

I've never done a favourites blog post but I have always watched them on YouTube so thought why not write one. The beginning of a new season and the beginning of a new blog series! Obviously I'm...

Until You're Mine by Samantha Hayes - Book Review #2

9.02.2015 0 comments

 I received Until You're Mine as a birthday present - after putting it on my Amazon wish list! The back of the book says: 'Claudia is heavily pregnant with a much wanted baby, she has a loving...

Afternoon Tea Tour #2 - The Larder on Goosegate

8.27.2015 0 comments

It is time for the second instalment of the Afternoon Tea Tour and this time I visited The Larder on Goosegate. Only 9 years old after opening in 2006, The Larder on Goosegate has received recommendations...

Jam Cafe, Nottingham || Review

8.15.2015 0 comments

As the weather gets better we all want to sit outside with a cold drink and enjoy the sun whilst eating good food, right? Well, the sun came out and that's exactly what I wanted to do. After thinking...

The Treat Kitchen, Nottingham || Review

7.06.2015 3 comments

A few weeks ago I got in touch with The Treat Kitchen to learn more about who they are and what they do. After emailing backwards and forwards with Jodie, the Marketing Assistant, she invited me...


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