What I'm Loving ... The Body Shop Body Mists

7.22.2014 0 comments

I know, I know this post is late but I have been super busy and only got back from my holiday a couple of days ago, please forgive me. 

I first tried these body mists from The Body Shop about a month ago and have fallen in love with them. They are refreshing, long lasting and look pretty on your shelf too. The two I have are Moringa; a fresh, slightly musky, "clean" scent and Satsuma; which says it all really - this smells like Satsuma's but not too over powering and actually quite calming. 

You can find these Body Mists at The Body Shop online here and they all retail at £7.50. I have tried a lot of body mists from different brands and stores and this is definitely one of my all time favourites. They have a lot of scents to choose from including Vanilla, Coconut, Strawberry and many more. 

Short but sweet post today but I promise I shall get back on track and post some more this week. Let me know if you have tried these and what you think xx


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