What I'm Loving ... Gin-Gins!

6.23.2014 0 comments

(From left to right: Chewy Hot Coffee Gin-Gins, Soft Super Boost Gin-Gins and Hard Double Strength Gin Gins)

I have discovered the world of Gin-Gins! If you haven't heard of these before, which I hadn't, they are sweets or candy made with all natural ingredients and each have a percentage of fresh ginger in them. I bought the Hot Coffee flavour ones first then had to go back for more as soon as I tried one. They are made by a company called The Ginger People, who specialise is ginger products and are trying to promote the benefits of ginger. You can click on their website here. Ginger is so good for you and this is an easy way to include it in your diet. Some of the benefits they list on their website include; helping to burn fat, ease muscle pains, boosting immunity and as they come in handy sized boxes they are easy to take on holiday with you for those people who get travel sickness as ginger is a well known cure for nausea.

Each box contains individually wrapped sweets and depending on which flavour you have you will get different sized sweets. The Hot Coffee flavour is a chewy sweet with a slight gelatine texture and has Arabica and Robusta coffee in plus 10% fresh ginger giving a warm coffee explosion for your tastebuds (definitely recommended if you love coffee as much as I do). The Super Boost flavour are small soft candy pieces with 30% fresh ginger and are quite creamy in texture and taste but have no cream in. Finally, the Double Strength flavour is a small lozenge and has 16% fresh ginger in them. None of the flavours are overpowering or too much to handle  and they are all moreish. I could easily eat the whole box! None of the Gin-Gin flavours have any trans fats or animal products so they are perfect for Vegans and are also Gluten free

If you are in the UK you can purchase your Gin-Gins at Holland and Barrett here or if you are international you can visit The Ginger People's website and locate a store near you, I have put the link above. For those in the USA you can visit Abe's Market here and also explore the rest of the flavours The Ginger People offer. 

Let me know what you think if you have ever tried these or are going to in the near future xx

This post was not sponsored or funded by any company and all items were purchased by myself.

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